Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hailey is now 4! I can't even begin describe how much a a big girl she has become just the last year alone. Hailey is now a whopping Forty-one 1/2 inches long and 35lbs! Mommy's big helper is who she is most of the time that is. She loves playing with her brothers and watching the baby if I need to run and make a bottle, she will sit and entertain him. Nick does nothing but follow her around and thought she gets frustrated sometimes because she can't play with certain things while hes awake shes been a good sport. Nick is now talking however usually for only her, its so adorable!!! She really blows my mind away on how smart she is. Her favorite color/s now is pink/yellow (have to be together). She is still very much into Hello Kitty and loves playing with her My Little Ponies (shes gotten quite the collection lately). Her newest and most favorite right now would be LalaLoopsy Dolls! As you will see by most of her pictures and presents she LOVES her LalaLoopsys!!! We were able to have her "My Little Pony" party on her birthday this year and it turned out to be a ton of fun!! Enjoy the photos!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know I'm back! A LOT has happened since April and I apologize for being away. We were settling into our new place, enjoying the weather, heading to the beach, you know all the fun stuff when the weather starts to get warm. Then as you all know I was pregnant and started to have some complications and was on bed rest. So because I was put on bed rest and was told at any given time TJ could come we decided to have NANA come in early!

Well Andrew should be on his way home from picking up dinner so I'm going to go for now, however keep a look out for the following...

  • Fair
  • Beach Trips
  • Nana's Visit
  • 4th of July (Spent at the White House) & Washington DC Zoo
  • The Newest member of the family (TJ)
  • Earthquake & Hurricane Irene
  • Nicks 2nd Birthday & his Birthday Party
  • Summer Fun
I will be posting blogs for pretty much every category! Oh and can't forget FALL is here!!! Well, my dinner is here so I'm going to eat! TTYL


Friday, September 23, 2011

Nana's Comes to North Carolina

This past summer Nana came to visit to help me with the house and the munchkins because of all the problems with my pregnancy at the time. We went to the aquarium, and the beach but mainly just hung out at home for the most part!

The kids LOVED having her here, we set up an air mattress on Hailey's floor for Hailey but Nana ended up sleeping on the air mattress with Hailey on her "pillow bed" right next to her! lol...It was the sweetest little thing!

Nick would wake up every morning asking where Nana was and looking around the house! Then he would run into her arms and give her big hugs and kisses!

Then came little man and Nana was able to meet him and spend time with him before she had to go home.

Nana's visit was fun and we loved having her here and can't wait until she is able to come back for a week or 2!!!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Halloween & Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch here in town with some our friends (who are amazing by the way) however nick didn't really care to much about most of it. Halloween was also spent with friends and we had an amazing time!!! Pictures!!