Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Single Digits-Round 2?!

Well we are now in Single Digits, hopefully! Acording to Andrew and my friends husband Zach (he is in another unit but coming home with Andrews) we are now in Single Digits! However this could be wrong and tomorrow will be the day, however that should not be the case!

I was so excited and now with all this crap its hard to be excited when we are a week away from seeing daddy and they still can't give us a day...I understand a time but you are a week away, get the day right people! Geesh! Some of us have plans ya know!! Speakng of plans I hope that what Andrew and Zach are saying is right becasue if not we will have no time to go and get Nicks Birthday cake ordered or shop for him as a family (well couple however nick wont know the difference! lol). We had plans to go to Toysrus so that daddy could pick him out something special seems how he can't get on the computer and order him something...then we were going to go to Arbys! Everyone has their cravings while deployed and daddy is dying for some Arbys! lol...He also wanted to help pick out the cake =( I mean I will go and get everything for the party just I really hope it dosn't end that way! He really wants to be more into getting things ready for his party!

Well thats about it right now, when I know more I shall let you know! Tomorrow we are going to palm springs and going shopping for a few things with one of my very good friends Heather =) Excited to see her! This is a pic for andrew, he wanted it and I liked it so I thought I would share! lol Until next time...


Monday, August 30, 2010

Can you say SINGLE DIGITS because we sure can =)

Ok, so im beyond excited to be in Single Digits! I have not let myself get excited or anything until it got real close and I thought why not wait until we hit the single digits?! With everything that still needs to be done I have just enough time to be excited and not feel like the day is never going to end. Im glad I waited until now =)

Getting caught up on laundry is my biggest issue right now! If you were to walk into my house it just looks like a dump becasue there is laundry all over the couch becasue im not going to walk each load upstairs! lol...just waiting for it all to be done, then its on to the sheets! Ahh!! lol....there is still so much that needs to be done before daddy gets home! Not to mention playdates and birthday parties =) Im going shopping this weds for a homecoming outfit becasue I have not a SINGLE pair of jeans that fit! With the weather lately being 99 during the day and low 60's at night im not tempting that one! lol..want them just in case! Plus I need to go shopping for my friends little girl who is turning 3 this weekend is her party and hailey is very excited to go =)

Lately the kids have really been playing together! Neither one will eat their own fruit snack they have to share! How adorable is that?! Right at this very moment hailey and nick are playing with boxes, hailey was chasing him around saying "get back here baby" and trying to put the box on his head! lol...I love those two so much! I can't wait to see them with their daddy!!! Well its time I get to the munchkins, its almost bedtime! Until next time here are recent pictures =)


Getting into the toy box, whats new?!
oh yes he moved the pepsi so he could get up there
watching toons lol
lol, he looks dirty just the color haha
his boo boo from falling on the pepsi box =(
My sleepy little man
love her! not too many pics cuz the camera died =(
Lookin like her daddy!
swinging on the swing!
little man and his mommy
he was mad
Love this picture of them

Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 DAYS?!

 Really?! 10 days?! This can't be right?! As much as this year has dragged on and all the complications we have had, homecoming is right around the corner and its still so hard to believe! This has been one crazy deployment but has only brought us closer together in the end! I love my husband so much and can't wait to see him with our babies!

Hailey is asking if daddy is coming home everyday now! When she talks about him Nick is right next to her saying "da-da" as if they talked about it first and came to me together to ask! I can't even describe the way I feel about seeing the look on her face when she sees her daddy infront of her after a year!

Well as much as I would love to keep going or to add pictures im exausted becasue I have caught a cold! Perfect timing right?! I hope to add pics here real soon so keep a look out! Just I have so much to do to prepare for daddys homecoming so that we can just enjoy each other and not worry about anything else! Until next time!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Birthday Boy

August 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Nicholas Alan, we love you! It's been a year and its soo hard to believe! Little man has 8 teeth and 2 molars on their way! He is walking all over the place and almost running at times! As of right now he says "dada, mama, nana, ni-ni, baba, a-bug" Very rare does he say hi! I call him my Bellyman because this little man will walk around with his belly out and he will laugh and smack it and its just so adorable!

Nick is finally sleeping threw the night! He maybe gets up once! Today at naptime he took his first 2% milk bottle! Needless to say his naptime was 3 hours! lol...hopefully he takes to it just as much tonight! Getting the little guy on milk and then we are taking away the bottle =) I dont think it will be that hard...hes pretty ok about it...I tried the sippy at naptime today and it worked but the milk was too cold so I had to heat it and when I did just stuck it in the bottle cuz he was SO tired! lol...Well his 1 year check up is Sept 16 so I will update on little man then! Until then these are pics of his BIG day!


Checkin things out
Walking like a big boy
He loves the swing!
Love you little man! Happy Birthday!
Mommy and the Birthday Boys Sissy
Mommy and the Birthday Boy
Weather on his birthday <3
Birthday Cupcake =)
What is this mom?
Gunnar and Kailyn
Haileys cupcake face =)
Scarlett and her cupcake!
Kenz and her cupcake!
Passed out after a long day of fun =) Happy Birthday Little Guy!
